Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Slap on the wrist for the American Congress

By now we all know that America was downgraded in their credit rating. Holding a AAA rating since 1917, S&P has determined America is now a AA+ country. As I shook my head throughout the night thinking about what this could mean for the country, I listened to the news who seemed to be brutally shocked at something the rest of us saw coming from a mile away.

S&P stated that it was more the portrayal of coming to the solution to America's debt ceiling problem and waiting until the last minute to do something about it. They also condemn the Republicans for being unmanageable as we all know they wouldn't budge on things that were suggested and they didn't like. Push comes to shove, the debt was a long time problem but the irresponsible in fighting at Congress showed S&P a disintegration of how America's government takes care of the countries problems. Which, again, is something we've all seen. The big head at S&P said that the down grade in America's credit status could have been avoided this year if a plan for the debt ceiling was actually done in a timely manner and done like adults.

This is a problem that the Government seems to be having lately. Bickering like children. Democrats don't want to save money by making welfare cuts and Republicans don't want to stop spending money that they don't have. Both sides are plagued with proving each other wrong so often  that they have forgotten what their jobs are!

Another commenter on the news station I was watching last night said that candidates now have the chance to do what is right for the country. Why hasn't this been done for the past 20 years? Unfortunately, this makes the president look extremely bad as the new election comes to light. Although the debt was huge before President Obama took over, the fact that the downgrading didn't happen until he was in office says a lot.

Or does it?

The fact of the matter is, the debt should have been in it's start to being taken care of and we weren't in this debt until this "War on Terror". This along with welfare states and lack of jobs creates more spending and less opportunities for revenue.

It's time for Congress to put on their big kid panties and get on with solving the problem that they created for America and do it without fighting. Do what NEEDS to be done because it needs to be done, not because it's what you WANT to be done.

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