Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Othermind Inspiration.x.

The conclusion of Spitfire is now complete and the evolution to Othermind has once again begun. 

I was recently gifted or rather tripped along something that was gifted to someone else that, for whatever reasons that be, reignited my light. These things being random at best and only a mere batch of stories started my thinking process. Or maybe I should say, changed my mode of thinking. Delving deeper in anything I could my hands on. Process wise, I have been head deep in many texts in the past few weeks that might take this blog to a completely different and, for old readers, unexpected turn.

I have often been told that my posts lack a certain context when not about something clearly declared or detailed enough for anyone less involved in the situation at hand. Honestly, some things are not written for the general public to understand. They say that the basis of a good conversation is a communal language with set meanings and markings. In the common world, I would have to agree. However, what if that wasn't needed? What if these little things were only meant for the few to understand? 

Furthermore, what if these things that others couldn't understand resonated with others. Other that it clicked for right away? A language that isn't too far off from the common language but tweaked just enough that it caused the average person to question what the aim of it was?

For the past two years, I have skimmed yet avoided articles and items in which those beliefs were held on a high tower. If you didn't get it, you just weren't the aforementioned individual it was intended for. Almost like reading between the lines and understanding the tone but not. It occurs to me that these things clicked as soon as I quit ignoring them, as soon as I stopped insulting, I learned that it was something that not only clicked but something that resonated within me. Not only resonated but made SENSE. 

The blog post below was a representative of these meandering thoughts that came of these realizations and was met with confusion. Well, confusion by most but there was a select few that very much understood exactly what I was saying and where I was going with it. They did not comment but instead left the blog to it's own devices. Which I would expect from anyone that did not have any questions of its origins.

My hope in the beginning of Spitfire was to educate and pass along knowledge to those whom read and thirsted for that knowledge. My hope/goal was not a misguided one but it was aimed at the wrong batch of people. A majority of people were not meant to understand or care about these things. They are content in becoming malcontent and creating their dream worlds to live in while they will die in desperation of the never ending goal of being happy. Happiness will evade these people, no matter what I or anyone else has to say about it.

My inspiration is no longer to save but to collect. Collect what is needed because when the time comes, I want to have things around me and the skills behind me to deal with whatever that time comes with. This is my new goal. To write with my own purpose and to collect.. individuals, articles, ideas.. The collective of my mind as well as others when the world burns; metaphorically or otherwise.

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