Thursday, February 28, 2013

Voiced to Concern

There is a hardened persona inside of me that thinks that those who are a waste of space or do not have enough brain cells to rub together do not need any sort of support. This means, yes, I support when they make laws that allow others to decide for themselves what level of protection they have for themselves. (IE not wearing a helmet on a cycle) 

I believe that these individuals, by using their own brain or lack thereof, are showing a true form of stratification. I support the taking away of the boundaries that create these soft walls so to speak on humanity. There are a few that I like keeping in place but we all know that laws aren't going to stop a criminal. Bottom line here is, why try to protect those who will only grumble about how their rights are being restricted? Fuck 'em.

However, one must not mistake how I feel about these groups of individuals as a eugenics clause. Although, sometimes, my words read like a mild one. I believe that those who try to function in society or add something to society can and are willing to be guided to a more fruitful and successful life. 

It has been suggested to me that I take a look at what I have written and examine it from another point of view. Not often am I asked to do so since I have a tendency to almost compulsively seek out all sides before a decision is being made. So, in effort to do what I always do, I took into consideration one of my own being afflicted by this way of doing things. Such as, a drunk cyclist hitting a family member or a loved one and having to live with the support I lent to undiluted stratification. 

Imagining this happening to someone close to me was not hard as I have lost my own share of loved ones in the past to various things. That and, like I said, I tend to think of everything before I do anything including certain outcomes. My end answer was still the same and I will tell you why.

As a parent, friend, loved one or responsible adult who deeply enjoys living a quality life and would like to bestow that upon my loved ones, I wouldn't allow the situation to happen. Now, I know there are those out there that will proclaim that shit just happens. I understand that. However, as long as I am responsible for a little life, there would be no instance that my child or friend's children would be walking alone, walking to school or being placed in a situation where I would have to worry for their safety. 

Going further into this situation, when I am discussing things like "removing safety labels and hiking up the drunk driving tolerance level" and supporting it, you must know what I am supporting. I do not support the killing off of other individuals that have the sense enough to do what they have to survive. If the will to live and quality of life is strong within an individual, they will do their best to make sure that they and their loved ones live a long and fulfilled life.

I am no killer but I have no problems with someone offing themselves because they were too weak to generate some sort of profit in their lives and in a way, deem it as somewhat compassionate for giving them the rope to tie their own noose, their own way. This is why suicide doesn't really bother me much anymore. Who am I to tell someone that they can't slice and dice themselves into oblivion? Who am I to say "no, don't drink that and get behind the wheel"? I generally hold no ill will against those who take themselves out due to pain that they are applying to themselves. I do not consider killing oneself a selfish act so long as they don't try bringing others down with them.

My ill contempt for others boils down to the degenerate that I see who mooch off the government and have the nerve to stand up and protest when the drug of their choice isn't being made legal so they can buy it with the money that the working (usually poor) gives up for them. Or the students that get aid and guidance even when they know that they aren't there for bettering themselves, only money. Take the food stamps and the cash assistance away from these people and watch them flounder. Quite honestly, that show might be enough for me but eventually those who do not have the will power to seek a life in which they provide for themselves and their families will burn off. 

Every day I see a family that doesn't need what they have and because they have what they do, they can't afford basic needs. The government supports them with money that is not theirs for years and they feed on it like gluttonous pigs. Oftentimes leaving those that need it, nurturing the little money they get for themselves in order to survive. 

I say, good on those who can scrap by without the help and again, take that golden spoon out of the majorities mouth just to see how long they would last in the real world.

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