Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Being in a rather foul mood, I have tried to keep much away from the inner world of the internet as of late. However, as I sat brooding in my contempt for the majority of the populace, it occurred to me how it may just fuel the fire for me to write something that has been sitting in draft for a long time.

Recently, there has been random laws dropped from certain state's law books. The first one coming to mind was the law of making cyclists wear helmets while out riding. The technical law, coming from Michigan most recently, states that as long as a rider does not have additional riders and/or is 21 years of age or older, they are no long required to wear a helmet. About a week ago, this same state is in the process of raising the legal limit of driving after drinking.

Nearly choking on my morning drink, I said aloud to myself, "Well there's just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard".

In my rage today I realized something. I am not only amused by these things but also encourage them. While we are at it, let's remove warning labels. Surgeon General warnings? Get rid of those too. There is nothing I would enjoy more than watching the most ignorant of the world eliminate themselves without any extra help.

I'd almost stand outside and advocate that the legal limit be taken even further; past .10. It's almost like the first snow in any state.. Of course, after the first couple of days, the majority has taken the measures to become without a vehicle because of their carelessness. Can you imagine if you got cyclists to ride in the winter without their helmets and drunk?

Maybe it'll be one small step towards a less frustrating and ignorant world.


  1. Yay, let the ignorant and stupid die! I vote those who support social Darwinist principles in support of "a less frustrating and ignorant world" should go first, their own ignorance and stupidity concerning social issues makes them part of the problem, not part of the solution. :)

  2. How unfortunate for your vote that not all of those that support such an idea are as ignorant as you believe. For far too long have I tried to be part of the solution and that is also a problem. As you see, the ignorant do not want help nor should they receive it.

  3. Irony rarely translates well. It sounds good on paper to let the ignorant and stupid die. If that were actually implemented, then many far-right social Darwinists, neo-Nazis, Randroids, etc., would go first. Those who are most enthusiastic about the idea. Let them live instead, and laugh at their ignorance.

    "For far too long have I tried to be part of the solution and that is also a problem."

    Then fuck society. Focus on YOU. Your own happiness and needs, not society's. Why give a fuck about the stupid and ignorant masses and whether or not they are safe? Just keep them out of your hair. Keep a safe distance. When it comes to society at large, cold indifference rather than seething contempt is so much healthier in my experience. I know.

    "Can you imagine if you got cyclists to ride in the winter without their helmets and drunk?"

    Sounds funny, until it's one of your own kids who gets hit by a drunken cyclist walking home from school in the winter. Then you may see the reason for such laws.

    I agree though, using the law to force people to protect themselves IS stupid, the purpose of the law should be to protect other citizens from one's antics, not protect people from the consequences of their own stupidity.

    Then again, I fully support people caught OD'ing or attempting suicide to have interventions against their will rather than letting nature take its course. There are times when life takes priority over liberty, in my view.

    As usual from you, an interesting perspective. Do excuse my socking but, meh. You're cool. :D

