Friday, October 11, 2013

Another Faltering Step for American Government.x

As it stands now, the American Congress is at a standstill. Arguing none to carefully with each other yet again as their debt ceiling decision looms in the for front. Congress, acting like children, have forced their president to comply with their wants in order to do their jobs and consent to a risen debt ceiling.

On your average day, the American citizen has realized that they can easily get by without their Congress. They have realized that they are an non essential part of their lives. Unless you are riding on certain Federal subsides, you are well within range to live a normal life. As you always have.

What is disturbing, though. Is the not too surprising nonevent this has become. No one is protesting too loudly or making statements. It is quiet.. for all the above reasons.

And enter Anonymous..

Their tag line "Let it not be said that we did nothing".

Someone tell me how this is doing anything? I have written of Anonymous before. My excitement and disgust with this areas Occupation failure; others Occupation failures. While it still very much alive in other countries, it seems asthough America has made it into yet another meme. Something to hold on to when in the long haul it was supposed to me something to take and use. Not as an "I'm a badass" tactic or a trolling tactic. I approve the message but as with any "big leaders", their followers are really wanting for something. Lackluster and half brain dead.. not even knowing where their loyalties lie.

It truly is sad. So many people fighting for what? This seems to be the downfall of Anonymous collective. For every one person that knows what they are talking about, there hundreds of other that are just there because they think it's cool.

So what does it take to have a true revolution? What does it take to wake the American people? Nothing. It has come to my attention that if people have not already "awoken" by now.. then they never will. This does mean that if there were ever a true war of people against Government, there just may be more of them than there is of us. Even the collective is weak and full of those who are walking zombies.. the followers.. the zombies.

A weak collective makes for a weak revolution and the cycle marches on. Again being that there are still too many that are content with their every day lives and their childish Government to stand for something other than what they are being fed.


After, yet again, another long hiatus, here I am sitting in front a too white screen with a million miles of thoughts on my brain.

I have been called into question from all sides for my actions. My unapologetic actions. It seems as though this is a commonplace occurrence. The average person would have done some rearranging to appease to their masses but this particular personality is not interested. I, as a person, am not a rope to play tug of war with. If this means that either side leaves dismissively, then so be it.

I have seen a huge problem lately with individuals sticking in their places. Main roles keep their position and took their followers with them. My issues are not take with those main roles. Let them do as they wish. They are going to do it anyways and I am not in the game to argue with them. My issues are taken with the followers, that think they are also the main roles. Wishy washy individuals whose loyalties are counted in pennies because they lack the certain fortitude to take an opinion and stand by it when the next big roller comes through with a more popular opinion.

Hey, whatever makes your world spin. However, it's a cop out. Something to save your flesh from the burning of flames that will burn you from both ends in the long run anyways. As long as someone bigger and badder than you has their thumb, or in most cases their entire hand, up your ass.. you are safe.

The most obvious problem with my writing this myself after being silent for so long, are these individuals. The main roles will, at least deep within them, know what I am aiming at. Isn't funny when you mindfuck someone over and over again and they still come back?

How big is your asshole?

I've seen it and I've lived it. I've been the puppet and I have been the puppeteer. You never know what you stand for until you've fallen for a few things first. I could go on forever, wasting time and sweet energy on things in this life that don't actually effect me or I could roll it off my shoulder and continue on.

How many are you the puppets and how many are the puppeteers? I bet all of you think you are puppeteers.. but you'd be surprised who is holding your strings.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Oh jesus christ it's you again?

That's exactly how I felt when I saw my e-mail light up with a comment on this blog. It's been seriously so long, I had to try and remember the password to this blog. The first comment of this blog was from the middle of May. Ya know, when it was written? I didn't respond to you did I? Actually, I had a chuckle and left it up there for the hell of it. I am, of course, a huge fan of transparency after all. 

I make no qualms that I am a jerk off asshole. Damn, you caught me. Sure called me out on that. Bet no one saw that one coming. Only.. 

They did. 

I considered ignoring you.. but then I thought,"Well shit, obviously he needs something to do and I have some extra time to piss away while I await more news on the people in my life that actually matter.. fuck it why not?" So, off I came to a blog that is almost NEVER used.. because you knew that I'd get an e-mail didn't you? It's not like you can piss off on my other blog... you are blocked from that one aren't ya? You won't show your face at SIN because I'll boot your ass as soon as you show your true colors. You can't get me on facebook because I "don't exist" there. (AKA you're blocked there and so is your fake ass little girlfriend.) In fact, I've closed off just about every single avenue you have to get at me. Except this one.. haven't I? 

You just don't take a hint when it's throw right at you, do you? Sigh. Ah well, whatever. I'll start with your THREE PART butt whine already then.

In defense of my honour. Part 1.
A follow-up after several months.

First question.. why bother? Is your "honour" so dislodged by something that happened so many months ago that you have to leave a three part comment? Especially after I ignored your last e-mails AND your last comment on this blog? I digress..

 Do excuse my bluntness, Ms OrgasmicKarmatic. This is time to finally get closure and apply my need and desire for moral self-defense. It's not just about your terms only, you're not the only person in the Universe.

Nothing about this little whine was blunt in any kind of way. I've used more harsh words when ordering a soft drink. Don't fool yourself into thinking you are the big bad wolf.. you aren't. You are the only one that needs closure in this as I had mine when I deleted and blocked you. Shrugs. And actually, correcting your last statement.. my world DOES revolve around me and mine. Sorry that you aren't included in that and your fucking feelings were hurt. My bad.

 I am not out to harm you. I am not out to stalk you. I am not like your abusive ex who you seem completely jaded by. I am not the Meq of troll lore, the monstrous psycho put together by people with no real-world experience of me. But you don't get to control me either. I am a free man, not a slave.

Sigh. I don't think you are stalking me. Though, you aren't doing a good job of sodding off either. Even after I've blocked and deleted you from everywhere else. Just saying. I don't consider you a threat to me either so let's just get that out of the way. I was never afraid of you doxing me.. nor did I think you would. By all means though, if you need my information, you can get it all on facebook. Of course, that is if you could even access it. 

As for the last sentence.. uh, good for you I guess?

 without walking on eggshells as if you are some kind of delicate flower. I consider this fair and just. This is how a civilised person handles conflict.

hahaha this one made me chuckle a bit. No one in my life thinks that I am some delicate flower.. nor treats me as such but hey, whatever. I figured the most civilized thing to do with a person during a conflict that persists continuously over and over again was just to call it quits and ignore the probl--- I mean, person. My bad again.

 Lexi, this is honestly the way I saw your and Jeanette's behaviour on my forum - like two spoiled puppy dogs going into someone's lair and taking a shit on their rug to mark their territory, feeling entitled to tolerance for their liberty to shit on the rug. Then after forcing the owner to kick them out by pushing the rug-shitting to extremes without considering how the owner felt about their puppy rug-shitting antics, throwing a temper tantrum and sulking after to get pity and sympathy from your highschool clique, pretentiously acting like delicate and beautiful ladies who were poor victims of the Big Bad Meq.

The only person that is referring to you as the "big bad Meq" is you. The idea that you would believe for one second that a "sociopath" like myself would ever consider you as big and bad is fucking laughable. There is nothing big or bad about you is there Meq? I'M a puppy? Shit, you are a kicked puppy. Whatever floats your boat. Did I really do what was equated to shitting on your rugs in your "lair"? I always thought that whole "law" or whatever was silly as fuck.. lairs and shit. It's the INTERNET, you don't have a fucking lair in a public community. But besides that, the ONLY thing I did was tell you that a rule that you made was bullshit.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, I am a rug shitter because I called his idea bullshit. That's what this show is all about. But I'M the one with the problem. Jesus christ Meq.. how old are you again?

I didn't want sympathy.. you have to hurt someone for that... last time I checked you thought I was a sociopath. If I am a sociopath, I do wonder why you waste your time explaining to me how you feel because honestly, I wouldn't give a shit would I?

You do not have the right to dominate me with temper tantrums and demandingness on my own forum. That is the reason I banned you ..

No, dear, I formed an opinion and told you. You didn't like it's delivery so you demoted me.. then promoted me again, then demoted me and THEN banned me. If you are wondering why I am cutting out the parts of Female Satan it is because you should take all your shit in a bag against her to her doorstep. I am not an authority over Female Satan and I do not think that her taking on a similar opinion as myself means that she's a rug shitter either. (Jeez, maybe that's why it took you so long to try to contact me again.. it really took you TWO MONTHS to come up with that analogy? Hint: it stinks as much as a puppy actually shitting on a rug.. just saying)

 I banned you because you CROSSED MY LINES.

oops.. my bad.

 In my world, I do not allow a woman to control me with emotional abuse and head games, under any circumstances. I do not tolerate mobbing/gang behaviour.

Uh, good for you.. again? 

I am not Zach Black or Shawn.

No you most certainly are not. You got that right. Shawn is more of a man than you will ever be. He showed me your stupid PM to him on facebook the other day. Which is why I KNEW this one was coming. Didn't anticipate it being this LONG though. Ah well, hit or miss. It's cute to send PMs to people that won't talk to you asking if they are "still drinking troll juice". Thanks for that laugh.

  I was cruel and you deserved that, Lexi.

Oh please Meq, you weren't "cruel".. you were fucking stupid. That's all. Fact. Stop acting like it was YOU that cut off communication between the two of us when it was really me. You want me to take the blame for it.. stop implying it was just you "defending your honor". You're full of shit. I personally asked for you to delete my account at SEDS.. I personally deleted and blocked you.. I was the one that stopped responding.. YOU had nothing to do with it. Stop acting like you are the hard ass from across the pond. You're not.

Life is not highschool, some people do grow up.

Would you do everyone the favor of actually proving it then? Aren't you like ten years older than I am? Get the fuck out of here with your pretentious life isn't high school bullshit. You're the one following ME around. I don't try to contact you, I don't leave messages on your blogs or message your girlfriend spouting ridiculous bullshit. YOU are.. YOU are doing all of that. 

And you are still hurt over it. Over getting banned from a fucking forum. You won't even admit it to yourself, but all your antics reek of hurt.

Oh my lord, seriously? You are telling me that after months of ignoring you and going out of my way to make sure you can't contact me anymore, I'M acting butthurt? After you commenting and e-mailing me continuously with no response, my antics reek of butthurt? What the hell is wrong with your head man? I don't talk about you on SIN, I don't talk about you on any of my blogs and I don't even discuss you with anyone in my real life. In fact, both Wicked and I had all but forgotten your existence until you PMd him the other day. Why do you feel like you are so important that you can just claim to know anything about anything when it comes to me? 

Furthermore, what fucking antics are you even talking about?? I'm real confused about that because you go on and on about it for the next three paragraphs of  "Part Two" and I just don't even understand why that portion of the comment is there. It's obvious you have no idea what you are talking about. Are you okay, man? Have you suffered a fall since the last time we spoke? Or are you just being a paranoid fuckwit? You might want to get that checked out, bro.

deflect all Lexi's personal responsibility when convenient and buy into herd opinion. Convenient and easy to believe it's all Meq, not you. But that proves nothing. You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own reality.

Actually, I just took responsibility for something. Yes, I am an asshole.. I took responsibility in the last blog for being honest to a fault. I'm NOT a nice person.. never said I was and that's never going to change. You fuck with me, take on the consequences. Sorry, that's just who I am. I'll also take on that I am responsible for hurting your simple sensibilities. Sorry you can't handle the kind of person I am. Some people can run with the bulls, some just.. well you know.

As for the last sentence, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Reality is PURELY subjective. EVERYONE has their own reality and as to whether or not we are entitled to that personal reality is completely a moot point since subjectivity is not exactly something we have control over.. soo yeah, I  do have my own little world.. so do you.. and so does everyone else. Start making sense man.

Feel free to blame me for everything. It's not you, it's all me. Go on, you know you want to. The trolls were 100% right about Meq

No.. No.. and Yes. No, I don't blame you for everything.. I let it fester for too long without cutting it off. No, it's not just you.. I thought that you might have something to offer my life. My bad. EVERYONE was right about you. I haven't met a single fucker that has a high opinion of you. Lost little boy in a big ole world looking for friends with wide eyes and only finds fiends unworthy of his time. What a shame.

 Or alternatively, you could get treatment for your evident Borderline Personality Disorder (often misdiagnosed as Bipolar, your case is clearly BPD).

Thanks Doc.. I'll get right on that. I'm fairly certain that you don't have a PhD in psychology so I am going to take your armchair advice with a grain of salt. Again, you are not an expert on myself or my life.. why can I say that? Oh well, clearly you live in an entirely different part of the world. I don't know how they do it over there but we don't go to friends to be diagnosed with anything. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

 I have a mild Autistic Spectrum Disorder with long-term depression, due to an excessively high IQ being raised in a low-IQ environment.

How fucking tragic. "I'm so smart and everyone around me is so dumb that it depressed me.. waaa waaa waaa". Please, if anything, you have a severe case of antisocial behaviour. You're constantly looking for a reason that someone is backstabbing you, you are excessively paranoid and participate  in risky life decisions not limited to yourself but also a hazard towards others that may or may not become involved in your life. You create a world where even your girlfriend has strict guidelines to follow in order to not come under fire. Your consistently egotistical thinking that the world needs to be more this or that in order to fit into your little bubble. You reek of pretentiousness and entitlement, thinking that everyone owes you something because you are you.  Obviously, you think highly of your IQ and use that as a way to complement yourself because you don't have any other straws to grasp at. But even this is a failure as you could have all the book smarts in the world but it still wouldn't help you with your awkward mannerisms when it comes to actually communicating with REAL people and not just numbers and letters on a screen. 

You are probably extremely lonely but deny yourself that feeling because you remind yourself that it is others that have the issues and not yourself. So you allow yourself to remain broken because remember, it's them and not you. After all, you are highly intelligent, probably more intelligent than the swine that you have to interact with on an every day basis right, and you would know. You always know.

You also put people in your life on a high pedestal when you like them. Applying unrealistic boundaries to them and get angry, quite like a child, when they break the rules.. 

People around you have nothing better to do than waste their time on the internet bothering other people that don't want to be bothered.. oh wait.

 I strongly value loyalty and integrity and utterly despise unwarranted backbiting done out of petty jealousy and envy. Hence my vengeful act against the 600 Club member which got me excommunicated.

 Yup, I am sure that everything that anyone does to you is just out of envy and jealousy. See Meq, or Stephen since you've obviously decided to talk to me by my actual name.. (Congrats, we've made progress.) I am not jealous of your hermetic life. I certainly do not envy you in the least bit. When I think of Meq, I think of annoying, self rightous, prick.. and the list goes on. That's just three.. that took me less than a second because that is what I think of you. Truly. I can say it freely. 

Before I go any further though, I want you to know that I don't hate you. I don't even really dislike you. Actually, I don't feel anything towards you. You are a non factor in my life for the most part. Except when you decide to mob my blog once every 6 weeks or so.. You mean absolutely nothing to me. Are you getting it yet? Somehow, I recognize your same old pattern and know that you STILL think this is all coming from me being hurt. Sigh.. anyhow..

Bipolar/Borderline is the VERY DEFINITION of an unstable person.

Darlin, I am one of the most stable people you will ever meet. I wouldn't be the person that I am if I hadn't learned how to grow through being bipolar. I hold a full time job, I maintain a healthy relationship with family, friends and lover and I am an excellent parent. People fucking LOVE me. Just saying. I have an exciting personality and I am a hard worker. This isn't me fluffing my feathers, these are quotes from actual people that KNOW me. Like, you know, offline.. in real life.

You still aren't getting it are you?

 Only psychopaths prey on friends, or complete untrustworthy hypocrites who are worthy of cruel bottom-up justice when they cross me with that game I do not tolerate. Like this very message. I am no more cruel than this. What you see is what you get.

This is a joke right? This is as cruel as you get? You aren't cruel. You are about as cruel as a dead body. I don't prey on my friends and I didn't prey on you. It's all in your head man.. it really is. All of this nonsense about me being all psychopathic and using you is just ridiculous. How did I use you? Where did this even come from? Again, stop acting like you are some big dog.

  Maybe people don't trust you because they see you as you really are, as an untrustworthy and unstable person? You got pissy at me repeatedly for not trusting you.

Where did you get the idea that no one trusted me in real life? Plenty of people trust me in a real life. I have no idea what you are talking about Stephen. Yes, I got upset that you didn't trust me but that's after getting shit for actually defending your dumb ass and then having you go all agro paranoid on me when I hadn't done shit for it. Shrugs.. water under the bridge now. What makes you think that I care if you think I'm trustworthy or not? Non factor.. keep repeating that yourself.

"I am a non factor in Org's life"

 That evil Meq who victimised you... It's all his fault! Meanie! Jake is right, Meq's an evil psycho and predator, your worst fears come true! And you are prey! Prey! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! The Big Bad Wolf is out! You're a stupid bitch aren't you.

I figured that this part of the comment would come eventually. Congrats, you've made progress with yourself.. it took you longer than normal to "lose your temper" this time. You didn't victimize me.. nor did I ever say that you did. You manifest all these rando things about me.. like you've somehow heard them come from me or something.. when you know you never have. (And never will.) We had a mutual falling out.. You continued with your forum.. I asked to be removed.. you refused and instead changed my name on your forum.. then proceeded to e-mail me via fb (until I blocked you), my reg e-mail (until I stopped responding) and my blogs (until I also blocked you on the one you commented the most on). Now we are here. Obviously, YOU have the issue.. NOT me. 

Partially it is my fault.. I should have cut you out of my life as soon as you starting getting all weird and shit and then I would not have to deal with you.. or maybe I would .. who knows? 

Whoo buddy, you tried to insult me. Hahaha whatever. Is stupid bitch the only thing your "highly intelligent" brain could come up with? You can drop the stupid because likely I am far more intelligent in many ways than you are and keep the bitch.. because I like being a bitch. I really like being a bitch. It shows me who is worth keeping around and can hold their water and who can't.. can you guess what group you fall into?

 You are the one being neurotic here Lexi, not me.

Sure I am. Though, may I point out that I am not the one still talking about events that happened months ago on a forum that, as far as I know, doesn't exist anymore. I am also not the one hunting down any way to communicate with a person that obviously has shown no interest in myself or my life in months? Seems a little fishy to me honestly. I would think that would be kind of considered neurotic. Nevertheless, I guess if you hide it under the guise of "defending your honor" (whatever the hell that means), you can do just about anything can't you?

And I do actually understand Moral Nihilism. If moral nihilism is true, then I did nothing wrong. Can you admit that? Otherwise, you are a complete and utter hypocrite. Not me, you.

LULZ. You just proved that you DIDN'T understand moral nihilism. Jesus christ Meq. It's called a book.. go get one. Moral nihilism states that nothing starts out as good or bad. I don't really believe we need to attach good or bad to anything. Doesn't mean that you aren't a fucking dick.. or that you aren't in the wrong.. just means that from your perspective, you may see it that you weren't in the wrong or you aren't a pretentious asshole. (HINT: You are.)

 In my book, you did nothing evil, just foolish. I have no need for hate or malice, and I have no need for your approval or your attention. I am not a stalker, Lexi. Sulk forever if it works for you. I know you're still sore.

If it looks stupid but it works, it ain't stupid. My disconnect from you worked for me.. maybe not for you but that's not my problem is it? I don't care enough about you to even wonder if you need my approval for anything. 

Furthermore, what is this sore shit about? You keep talking about this sore idea like you fucked me raw dog anally with no lube. Please spare yourself embarrassment (which I know you don't feel anyhow because you are such a stuck up asshole) and stop trying to fool your poor little IQ riddled brain from a bad and unintelligent home into thinking that, for one second, I was ever sore about you. I cut ties with you because you were becoming an annoyance .. not because I felt wronged by you. Remember? I am the one that isn't taking responsibility for being a super cunt.. blahblah blah... do you even proofread what you publish?

 And you're jealous of my real integrity over your fake mask of lies and hypocrisy - your pretentiousness. You're fool's gold. You proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt to any reasonable human being, that only an idiot would trust you. I can see right through you.

Hello, ego tripping much there buddy? Where did you ever get that I was just jealous of you? Again, did you take a spill since the last time we spoke? How self important of you. You make me fucking laugh. Who would be jealous of someone so awkward and socially inept as you are? Sure as hell NOT me. Sorry.. you can't even see through a fucking glass window.. how do you think you see through me? Or for that matter, judge anyone that I know? My friends think you are a joke just like everyone else. And guess what? Your 3 part long "defending your honor" proves every word that I have said. 

 I am just the bigger person than you. Deal with it.

You just keep telling yourself that honey.

 Feel free to throw a temper tantrum and act like I've victimized you

Get the fuck out of here.. it's starting to smell..  

Friday, May 10, 2013


If you must know anything about me, it's two things..
A. I can be honest to a fault
B. I don't take on other people's emotional baggage very well.

That being said.

False accusations sit firmly with an unstable individual that gets their feelings hurt.

To claim that I have caused some sort of trauma due to the arguments we had may be valid. You leave you heart too much on your sleeve if it is too sensitive. I do not play well with you or anyone else. Making accusations just makes me want to laugh in your face. When will you realize that no matter how many blogs you make trashing me and no matter how many times you post these things about myself and others, you are not going to get brownie points. The whole world sees you as you are and that makes you feel insecure. Which you should be. Your low down dirty tactics to get someone in their personal life because they got you angry (and no one likes when you get angry right?) are pathetic and shows you as nothing but a waste of fucking time.

I was one of the only people that gave you a space and some time to prove to me that you weren't a shit disturber. You proved me wrong (congratulations that is not easy for anyone to do) and proved them all right.

What I think really gets you about me is that I didn't and don't want anything from you or anyone else. The internet is not where I live my life and when I walk away, you don't exist. Hell, when I am here, you do not exist. You continuously blast your hostility across the internet as if I could have anything to fear from a person that lived thousands of miles away from me. Dox me. Talk about me. Keep doing it. You make me smile and encourage the internet to figure me out. When no one ever will.. but it gives me more.

Accusations that I am a neurotic psychic vampire are hilarious. As I have stated previously, in the long run, I am doing you a favor because you are the one that needs the attention. When have you ever successfully flown under the radar? Never. You never could and never will because you need it.

Furthermore, I do not fear you. I do not fear what you know about me. It is common knowledge that I am an asshole. It is common knowledge that there are times I sound like I am full of myself. The little personal tidbits you tried to air in public in the attempts to humiliate me are all common knowledge. Where I live, who I am with.. common knowledge. You see, the easiest way to get a person to trust you, is to make them think that they are holding onto something that no one else does. Only problem is, I don't share.

You say I lost out on a lot. I lost out on nothing. The thing I lost was your emotional baggage and continuous seeking of approval and appreciation. I didn't gain anything from being friends with you. You did from me for awhile though. Your pathetic little site got more traffic with my nym than it ever does now. It's a little sad really. As anonymous as your blogs are, it's still an attempt to get others to think about me.. maybe have a self confirming response.

As for this victim card no one wants to touch. The claim that I am putting out the victim card is clearly and blatantly false. If anything, I want the bully card you are trying to paste on me while passively trying to implicate that I just have a wounded ego from an "Alpha" male. When I say that you are playing the victim, suddenly I am a Feminist nazi trying to take away from your Alpha wiles and are failing to manipulate you.

What's even more sad, is that you can't accept yourself as you are. You, for some reason, thought that having your own site would ruffle your dusty feathers off and make more of yourself. I am going to let you in on something that doesn't seem well known to anyone anymore..

The internet? The information highway? Is not life. You do not experience real life online. You can learn so much from the internet but unless you learn how to disconnect and really connect with things outside of it, you will always be stung and stuck with the internet persona you have and the lack that you feel from being in a world of simple numbers and letters.

You always offer some kind of half assed pseudo psychology ridden bullshit advice to me so I will take it upon myself to return the favor.

Get a life. Go outside for longer than the trip to a grocery store. You are mentally and socially unstable because you don't actually interview life as it is. Go out and do fucking something. Ride a bike, take a walk.. make a fucking friend that doesn't know about your nasty history of being an unstable neurotic psycho. Satanists are not the only ones that say go out and DO. Everyone with some sort of understanding of what life is and has had a taste of what death is like, does too. It's not like you are going to defecate on your "religion" favor of the month by doing it.

Oh and one other thing too?

Keep on talking .. I like it because it proves to me that I had such an impact on your life, it forced you to be active for once. Even in your denial of hating me, even through your false aggression.. I made you move. And even though you'll always plead differently, you'll always come in second.. behind me. I will always win. Sorry hon.. but you just lost the game.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Voiced to Concern

There is a hardened persona inside of me that thinks that those who are a waste of space or do not have enough brain cells to rub together do not need any sort of support. This means, yes, I support when they make laws that allow others to decide for themselves what level of protection they have for themselves. (IE not wearing a helmet on a cycle) 

I believe that these individuals, by using their own brain or lack thereof, are showing a true form of stratification. I support the taking away of the boundaries that create these soft walls so to speak on humanity. There are a few that I like keeping in place but we all know that laws aren't going to stop a criminal. Bottom line here is, why try to protect those who will only grumble about how their rights are being restricted? Fuck 'em.

However, one must not mistake how I feel about these groups of individuals as a eugenics clause. Although, sometimes, my words read like a mild one. I believe that those who try to function in society or add something to society can and are willing to be guided to a more fruitful and successful life. 

It has been suggested to me that I take a look at what I have written and examine it from another point of view. Not often am I asked to do so since I have a tendency to almost compulsively seek out all sides before a decision is being made. So, in effort to do what I always do, I took into consideration one of my own being afflicted by this way of doing things. Such as, a drunk cyclist hitting a family member or a loved one and having to live with the support I lent to undiluted stratification. 

Imagining this happening to someone close to me was not hard as I have lost my own share of loved ones in the past to various things. That and, like I said, I tend to think of everything before I do anything including certain outcomes. My end answer was still the same and I will tell you why.

As a parent, friend, loved one or responsible adult who deeply enjoys living a quality life and would like to bestow that upon my loved ones, I wouldn't allow the situation to happen. Now, I know there are those out there that will proclaim that shit just happens. I understand that. However, as long as I am responsible for a little life, there would be no instance that my child or friend's children would be walking alone, walking to school or being placed in a situation where I would have to worry for their safety. 

Going further into this situation, when I am discussing things like "removing safety labels and hiking up the drunk driving tolerance level" and supporting it, you must know what I am supporting. I do not support the killing off of other individuals that have the sense enough to do what they have to survive. If the will to live and quality of life is strong within an individual, they will do their best to make sure that they and their loved ones live a long and fulfilled life.

I am no killer but I have no problems with someone offing themselves because they were too weak to generate some sort of profit in their lives and in a way, deem it as somewhat compassionate for giving them the rope to tie their own noose, their own way. This is why suicide doesn't really bother me much anymore. Who am I to tell someone that they can't slice and dice themselves into oblivion? Who am I to say "no, don't drink that and get behind the wheel"? I generally hold no ill will against those who take themselves out due to pain that they are applying to themselves. I do not consider killing oneself a selfish act so long as they don't try bringing others down with them.

My ill contempt for others boils down to the degenerate that I see who mooch off the government and have the nerve to stand up and protest when the drug of their choice isn't being made legal so they can buy it with the money that the working (usually poor) gives up for them. Or the students that get aid and guidance even when they know that they aren't there for bettering themselves, only money. Take the food stamps and the cash assistance away from these people and watch them flounder. Quite honestly, that show might be enough for me but eventually those who do not have the will power to seek a life in which they provide for themselves and their families will burn off. 

Every day I see a family that doesn't need what they have and because they have what they do, they can't afford basic needs. The government supports them with money that is not theirs for years and they feed on it like gluttonous pigs. Oftentimes leaving those that need it, nurturing the little money they get for themselves in order to survive. 

I say, good on those who can scrap by without the help and again, take that golden spoon out of the majorities mouth just to see how long they would last in the real world.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Being in a rather foul mood, I have tried to keep much away from the inner world of the internet as of late. However, as I sat brooding in my contempt for the majority of the populace, it occurred to me how it may just fuel the fire for me to write something that has been sitting in draft for a long time.

Recently, there has been random laws dropped from certain state's law books. The first one coming to mind was the law of making cyclists wear helmets while out riding. The technical law, coming from Michigan most recently, states that as long as a rider does not have additional riders and/or is 21 years of age or older, they are no long required to wear a helmet. About a week ago, this same state is in the process of raising the legal limit of driving after drinking.

Nearly choking on my morning drink, I said aloud to myself, "Well there's just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard".

In my rage today I realized something. I am not only amused by these things but also encourage them. While we are at it, let's remove warning labels. Surgeon General warnings? Get rid of those too. There is nothing I would enjoy more than watching the most ignorant of the world eliminate themselves without any extra help.

I'd almost stand outside and advocate that the legal limit be taken even further; past .10. It's almost like the first snow in any state.. Of course, after the first couple of days, the majority has taken the measures to become without a vehicle because of their carelessness. Can you imagine if you got cyclists to ride in the winter without their helmets and drunk?

Maybe it'll be one small step towards a less frustrating and ignorant world.

Monday, February 11, 2013


I have spent years trying to seek out people that were of like mind and ideas of my own. It proved tricky when my ideas shifted as I eventually dumped most and kept moving on. My base is a turn table and it constantly evolves causing me to seek within myself what it is that I do not find outside. Recently, I have held a disgust for the things that I have participated in for the past couple of years. I have had no passion and so my writing and activity dwindled. Does not help that the winter wonderland outside of my door provides nothing but cold and barren wastelands that are typically beautiful any other time of year.

Last spring, I was released from the downtown hospital where I had spent several months dealing with a personal matter that turned into a horrid nightmare I still relive nearly a year ago today. It was when I left that I manage, with a few kicks in the ass, to realize the great strength in myself and the pulling of myself to something greater. I decided that I was going to look into buying a bike, getting more active and basically destroying everything around me that got into my way. 

25+ mile walks and biking trips, coloring the pavement with my effort and gaining more and more strength. I was never a weak person. I was never a stagnate person. I had disgust, still do, for those who lay around in a lazy stupor all the time. I held the same level of contempt for those who threw themselves in a literal wasteland and would barely take the time off to be sober long enough to catch up with the real world happenings. 

After awhile, I started relating to things that I had also held in contempt for a long time. I assumed that the front men of these ideas were the main ideas and if that was the case, I had no room in my life for them. I gave it a shot a couple years later and to this day keep it to myself. I have spoken very little about what I hold dear to myself in this journey or even why I choose to continue it. With some resemblance of hope, I carry on searching. Meanwhile, my partner decided to let me in on things that I had never known and I fell in love with the imagery, the ideas and the characters. 

With these images and stories, my fire was re-ignited and here I am again today. 

Shameful revolution.x

As a youngster, I was a handful. Hellbent on the destruction of everything around me and I was good at it. My biggest talent was taking something and throwing it into the flames. My talent for it made it more and more attractive to me as the days went on. As I grew up, I learned how to rope in these destructive desires and made room for it amongst my own arsenal.

The question of how useful anarchy and destruction is in the world in which we live in today can be simply split in two. Either it is completely impractical or it's usefulness is just drowned out by those claiming it is impractical. Coming across a conversation between two people I have spoken with personally before, it interested me to know that the one of the two I thought would be more prone to the idea of destruction and anarchy was actually against it all.

This person went on to say that it has no place in the world and that nothing was ever created by destroying things. Even though I don't normally make comments on people's blogs or ramblings, I had to reply. I feel as thought destruction has every right and usefulness in this world. Falling into a somewhat grey area, I submit to the idea that it is impractical but only because of the state of the world at large. Unfortunately, the more impractical for the world, the more the world seems to need it.

There is nothing I would love to see more than the tearing down of certain central governments and organizations and making them rebuild on the foundation that lay underneath their feet. Many have too long ago abandoned what they actually stood for and instead have traded themselves for the easier route.. force feeding the general public (YOU) things that they didn't even know they wanted but take because it must be right.

Riding in a car the other night, I had made mention that I am not a follower, only a leader. This being contradicted only by the fact that I want no followers of my own. What leader has no followers? My purpose serves only as a reminder to others that they have their own minds and they should probably think with them before it is too late. Alas, much of the populace is too far gone.

There will be those that disagree with me about destruction. They will instead harp on a new theory. Theory of manipulation. The idea that they can somehow change the world around them by the slip of the tongue and that eventually, eons from now, the world will be a more suitable place. I rally, instead, that we must acknowledge when it is time to learn and lay silent and when it is time to force feed them. Whether by word or weapon; as is anyone's right, regardless of country.

There will be those that will say that they will start the war, fan the flames or provide the match for the generation that will eventually pick up a book instead of a TV remote and they will see the beginning of the end. I say, this generation will NOT see the beginning of any start to an end. This world is not ready yet and there are not enough of this generation to start anything other than a collection of ideas to be passed down until it starts. You cannot manipulate your way through anything but your own life or maybe even small scale. Which is the point.

I wish not to control others but to have those others control themselves. I wish not to be controlled but to control and demand from myself for myself. This path that I have chosen will always be uphill because I demand it to be uphill. And you are not the new revolution... simply a means to someone's end in the arena of entertainment.

And another one bites the dust.x

In a recent announcement the Catholic pope has decided to drop his crown and walk out on his people. Claiming ill health and no longer having the ability to lead the Vatican to progression, he will resign on the 28th of this month. As I sit and peruse the web for information that, due to my busy schedule, has eluded me.. I have to chuckle. Understandably, the Catholic crowd is shaken by the seemingly just elected Pope's leaving. I'm sure there are those of you out there that are scrambling to your churches and praying that the position is filled in great haste.

It is a strange thing to do after 600 years of no one doing it. Usually a pope stays in marriage with his position until he eventually dies and is replaced by the next big representation of a man that gave up his entire life to god and good will. (And maybe a little boy every once in awhile.) The usual suspects mustering up their opinions and letting others in on what they really believe is causing this. Something is fishy but it's not likely we are going ever know about it.

Could it be the rather damning accusations such as the sex scandals or his public issued apologies to the families which now have to raise children that will always see their christ in such a way? Maybe the pressure that he feels for not doing anything but offering some words?

Apologies apologies

Or is he sick and tired.. like proposed?

Oh the ailments

Whichever way you spin it, it's got a pretty tune to it. And it seems like everyone has a black, grey and right down to stupid opinion on it. You have Catholics that are happy he's being so "honest" and others that are confused because they thought, as I did, you made the sacrifices into death to your position.

I don't think that quite gets me as much as the recent online forums going all a chatter. If you seek, you shall find. Of course, this is not a difficult task for myself.. it issues itself to my front door everyday.

Yes, everyone is buzzing with excitement about the recent news about the pope and not only Catholics are the ones making retorts. The "online christian adversaries" of the good old interwebs makes it known that this is a celebration to be had.. some small victory. What's almost funny is the lack of regard when it comes to the ignorance that is being splattered around these sites. Obviously, this is a great feeding frenzy for these bored individuals who make it a point that "your god is not my god". Seemingly creating this world for themselves that the holy war is right on the way and the devil is winning.

Silly fools. Still preoccupied with outside coincidences that have nothing to do with you. However, I must say, it at least provides entertainment and as long as they are busy, I don't have to worry about them fucking anything up my way.